20 Parallel Sort-Merge Join Algorithms

SIMD background

  • single instruction multiple data = SIMD
  • MMX, 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, AVX (since 1990s)
  • this saves instructions compared to SISD approach
  • speed things up when algorithm can be vectorized
  • implementation is a manual process (colmunbia db may be a good example)
  • SIMD has restrictions on data alignment
  • gathering into/ scattering from registers can be tricky

    Paralelel sort-merge join

    sort-merge join
  • phase 1: sort tuples of R & S based on the join key
  • phase 2: scan the tuples & outer relation R only needs to be scanned once
    parallel sort-merge join goals
  • speed up the sorting part
  • utilize as many CPU cores as possible
  • be mindful of NUMA boundaries
  • use SIMD instructions where applicable
    procedure (R join S)
  • phase 1 : patitioning(optional)
    1. implicit partitioning
      • data was partitioned on the join key when it was loaded into the database
      • no extra pass over the data is needed
    2. explicit partitioning
      • divide only the outer relation and redistribute among the different CPU cores
      • radix sort could be used but actually no in memory database does this
  • phase 2 : sort
    • process can be described in 3 levels: register/cache size/beyond cache size
    • registers can be sorted using special instructions/ sorting networks
    • data that fits in cache size can be sorted by bitonic merge network(more like specific hardware)
    • multiway merging for large data set
    • usually one sorting process combines these three levels of sorting
  • phase 3 : merge
    1. multi-way sort-merge(sort locally, redistribute, sort locally)
      • each core does level1&2 sorting locally
      • do level 3 sorting across multiple cores(redistribute & sorting locally, or say sort one chunk a time)
      • do this both for inner/outer table
    2. multi-pass sort-merge(sort locally, merge globally)
      • not redistributing tuples but using multi-pass naive merge on sorted runs(or say get one result tuple one time)
      • others parts is just like multi-way sort-merge
    3. massively parallel sort-merge(outer:redistribute&sort, inner:sort, cross partition merge outer & inner table)
      • outer table are range-partitioned and redistributed to cores
      • each core do sorting in parallel on their partition
      • inner table are not redistributed like outer table
      • each core sorts its local data
      • merge phase is between entire sorted run of outer table and a segment of inner table


           * SIMD sort is 2.5-3x faster than C++ STL sort(quick sort)
           * M-way sort-merge join uses least cycles per output tuple & has the highest through put
           * MPSM performs worst  #### project 3 code review guidelines [jekyll-docs]: http://jekyllrb.com/docs/home [jekyll-gh]:   https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll [jekyll-talk]: https://talk.jekyllrb.com/