Compile MySQL C++ connector 1.1.8 on VS 2015 & Win10
Compile MySQL C++ connector 1.1.8 on VS 2015 & Win10
Downloadable binary connector of 1.1.8 is not compatible with VS 2015
This can be inferred from linking errors about _MSC_VER LNK2038. It should be using VS 2013 according to _MSC_VER mentioned in error msg. I don’t want VS 2013 on my laptop. So, I got compile connector from source code.
Get the source code
Git repo:
use : git checkout 1.1.8
to get the 1.1.8 source code.
Default version that code repo contains is 2.0, which works with MySQL 5.7 and above. I don’t want download that. If you are using that version, see this link:
Build C++ connector of 2.0.
Deal with CMake
Use this : cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DMYSQLCLIENT_STATIC_LINKING=yes ..
to generate solution file.
Here is a static library. But before that, some modifications must be made.
Add these in CMakeLists.txt. Do alter the paths.
SET(BOOST_ROOT "f:/boost_1_64_0")
SET(MYSQL_DIR "F:/mysql-5.6.26-winx64")
MYSQL_VERSION cannot be inferred from try_run block in FindMySQL.cmake. I added some message statement around this block:
message("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR ${MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR}")
message("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MYSQL_VERSION ${MYSQL_VERSION}")
# Write the C source file that will include the MySQL headers
"#include <mysql.h>\n"
"#include <stdio.h>\n"
"int main() {\n"
" printf(\"%s\", MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION);\n"
# Compile and run the created executable, store output in MYSQL_VERSION
try_run(_run_result _compile_result
# if(_run_result)
message("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_run_result ${_run_result}")
# endif()
# if(_compile_result)
message("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_compile_result ${_compile_result}")
# endif()
It turned out that compilation is failed. Since I’m not familiar with CMake try_run, I decide to go around that. Just paste the version from mysql_version.h to CMakeList.txt.
Deal with snprintf link error
As listed in VS, comment out #define snprintf ....
in my_config.h(in MySQL Server’s include dir).
No need to change this in mysql_private_iface.h, cause VS 2015’s VER is 1900:
#if ( defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) ) && !defined(snprintf) && (_MSC_VER < 1900)
#define snprintf _snprintf
Build And Get mysqlcppconn-static.lib
Right click mysqlcppconn-static and build. In my case, file resides in F:\repo\mysql-connector-cpp\build\driver\Release. Copy and move it to a specific folder.
Build Application
I used headers in previous binary distribution but with this newly built lib. Refer to this post on setting up. Change C/C++->Code generation -> runtimellbrary to /MT from /MD if encounter linking errors.
Do test
Start MySQL server and run compiled application. I copied libmysql.dll to the same folder with generated binary. The app can run now, but not by luck.